A 4 week coaching journey for people ​who crave to be paid for doing good

How to increase your impact ​by increasing your income

Let's be real here for a moment. There's stuff you really care about. That affects you deeply.

You want to help improve people's lives. You want to help the planet. Stand up against injustice. Inequality. Pollution.

But in reality, you are not making a very big dent.

You show up on weekends and after hours. Campaigning. Volunteering. Planting trees.

You're tired and sometimes a bit cynical, but you do it anyway, because it's important.

Meanwhile, you spend the best hours of every day in a job you don't really love.

In a role that doesn't contribute to the solution. It may even be part of the problem, if you are really honest with yourself.

But, you know - one's gotta pay the bills. And it's kinda ok, it's comfortable.

You can even take a holiday every once in a while. 

But overall - this is NOT
what being truly fulfilled looks like.

What do you REALLY want? 

Making this world a better place for your children.
Leaving a positive legacy.
Living in alignment with your values.
Living your passion.
Making other people's lives easier.
Making a measurable difference to the BIG problems of this world.

What would you do if money was NOT an issue?
If you DIDN'T feel the need to 'build your career'?
If you DIDN'T care what people say about you? 

Which brings me to a better scenario:
Doing ALL those things, all day long, without needing to worry about money. 

What do you think would be possible for you to achieve if you were spending the best time of day, every day, 70,000 hours in a lifetime, working on this issue you truly care about?

How much could you accomplish?

How much of a difference could you make?

And how good would that feel? 

And a better scenario, still: making MORE money than you need so that you can give more than your time to your cause. 

Sounds impossible? Unethical? Dodgy?

If you are thinking this, you may have been conditioned by those who want you to continue living in scarcity. Because that's how they maintain the status quo.

But here's the truth: Nature's principle is abundance. And as human beings, we have endless levels of creativity. We can CREATE our own ways of doing business, of creating income, that is 100% aligned with our values - and based on IMPROVING other people's lives, instead of exploiting them.

You are the master of your life and the systems you create. And by embracing that, you are creating a new paradigm.

So, if you are willing to open your mind for a moment and not only explore what all of that might look like for you  but also GET TOTALLY FIRED UP about actually making it happen, check out what I have created for you:

The ABUNDANT changemaker

A launchpad program for earth-conscious people who crave being paid for doing good ​and doing good with what they're paid

  • Amplify your positive impact by gaining the time freedom to contribute fully to your mission
  • Find the fulfillment and inspiration that comes with fully living your passion
  • Gain the ability to give to causes you believe in
  • Undermine the paradigm of scarcity and exploitation and embrace the freedom you already have
  • Develop the strategies you need to untrap yourself from the Matrix

​Here's what it takes - and what we'll cover:

  • Choosing the 'right' mission for you (or two - being multipassionate is ok!) even if there are a million things that need "fixing"
  • Identifying your personal gifts and passion and how to turn them into a profitable venture
  • Leveraging your past experience instead of it leveraging YOU!
  • Creating an ethical, sustainable and aligned business or income model
  • Choosing your 'niche' and your product or service - even if you're creating an NGO
  • Adopting an empowering and healthy money mindset

  • Dealing with doubt and uncertainty
  • Choosing the right transition strategy for you, or: how do YOU get into cold water? 
  • When to burn the boat to get to the island
  • Getting through the 'dry period' of starting a business without losing your friends, your home or your mind
  • Shifting your mindset from 'worker' to 'doer' - entrepreneurial mindset musts and adopting critical routines
  • Getting over and through imposter syndrome
  • Closing skill gaps quickly and without taking out (another) loan

Wait - how is this going to work??? 

Once we launch, the content will be provided over a 4 week period. 
You will receive:

  • Group zoom trainings, with LIVE group discussion afterwards (should you wish). If you can't make it live, you can access the recordings via a designated learning space AFTER the call (times will be announced beforehand)
  • Worksheets and templates to develop your income idea
  • Mindset journaling prompts
  • Review and direct feedback of all worksheet and planning materials you submit (response via email, text, private video or messenger) ($200 value)
  • ONE personal 1:1 coaching strategy session to map out your income strategy ($200 value!)

⏲️ Training calls will happen as needed more often than weekly and less often than daily - you'll be invited via email and calendar invite

⚠️ I'm keeping the detailed lessons deliberately open as this will be determined by what it is YOU need!!! However, if you want to know EXACTLY what you're getting, you can purchase the self-study version of this program later on (price will be the same) - but you won't be able to join for live discussions and Q&A after the training.
If our pre-sale target is not met, you will receive a 100% refund of your investment! 

Take charge of your time and your life and feel the satisfaction of creating the biggest possible impact without being stretched for time or money!

We will not leave this training until you have deeply and truly explored what is possible for you, feel confident in your choices going forward and hold in your hands a solid plan to getting to the income level you want from doing what you love!

Pre-purchase the Abundant Changemaker now!

Pre-purchase will give you access to the Abundant Changemaker at a price that will never be repeated. You will also: 
  • Be involved with the development of the course - ensuring you get EXACTLY what you need and we'll cover EVERYTHING  you want to know
  • Be part of the pre-launch membership group, meeting other change makers
  • Get first hand access to  ALL material as it is launched

Should our pre-sale target not be met, it goes without saying that you'll receive a 100% refund of your investment PLUS - to make up for it - a free ONE MONTH subscription to "NURTURE Midi" Coaching package - including two 1:1 coaching sessions and unlimited email / messenger support during this time. This package has a value of $500 (more than your investment here!) and you will get it absolutely FREE if the ABUNDANT CHANGEMAKER is not going ahead.