Easy, fun and practical - and full of impact
The LOVE LIVING GREEN MASTERCLASS is a comprehensive, step by step, online training in all areas of personal and household sustainability.

Participants in this course have experienced:
Improved inspiration and motivation
Up to 50% reduction in their energy bills
Weight loss and improved health
Greater satisfaction and sense of contribution
Greatly reduced living costs
More quality time with family
What people are saying
“This was the best thing I could have done to gain the knowledge to help my family live a more sustainable and healthy life”
“A real eye opener! It made me do more to be self-reliant”
“A LOT more people need to know about all the things we have learnt!”
“Really enjoyed the waste session – in fact, enjoyed every session – loved it!!”
“I've changed my life - now I'm changing my workplace! All my colleagues are on board.”
“This gave me motivation to make positive lifestyle changes – I would recommend it to others”
Here’s what you get from the LOVE LIVING GREEN MASTERCLASS:
Six course modules with over 10 hours of in-depth videos, plus worksheets and resource links :
Sustainability and Resilience Foundations
The fundamental principles of sustainability and resilience - so that you can make the right decision every time.
Part 1: The non-toxic diet. Sustainable shopping. Eat organic and save $$. Good cooking from basics. DIY bread. Part 2: Growing food. Gardens: where, how, what and when.
Organic waste and compost, even in cities. How to reduce, re-use, recycle. Zero waste.
Keeping water clean. DIY non-toxic cleaning. Reducing water waste in the house and garden.
Understanding climate change, peak oil and how they relate. Effective energy reduction and cost savings at home. Reducing fossil fuel use and sustainable transport options.
Green Money
Understanding our money system and how it relates to sustainability. Voting with your wallet and reducing expenses.
Bonus material
The complete Green Living Action Workbook
Get your 140-page Action E-book full of information, practical advice and life lessons learned personally here at the Rabbithole!
Mindset module
If you've tried to make lifestyle changes in the past but they didn't stick it's probably because you weren't given the right coaching tools to help you implement change! Check out this bonus section full of tips and tricks to help you keep on track!
Rippling change module
Lifestyle changes become so much more powerful if you can get the peer support you need to keep you motivated! If you've been struggling to convince your spouse, your colleagues or your teenager from joining your cause - this extra sessions gives you leading edge communciation tools and techniques to bring them on board!
Natalie Hormann
Sustainable Living Coach and Trainer
[email protected]Course curriculum
Introduction and welcome
Welcome to the Masterclass!
Sustainability and resilience foundations
Module 1- Sustainability mindset
Complete Action Workbook
Love Living Green Goal setting template
Love Living Green Annual Planner
Module 1 Link sheet
BONUS: "Have beans" game video tutorial
BONUS: "Have beans" game instructions
Week 1 Q&A
Module 1 - Question and Answers
Healthy, sustainable and non-toxic food
Module 2 lesson: Green food choices
Module 2 - Link sheet
Resilience worksheet
BONUS: How to start a garden
BONUS: Breadmaking
Module 2 - Questions and Answers
Eliminating rubbish
Journey towards zero waste
How to compost
BONUS: How to compile a compost heap
BONUS: Wormfarming
BONUS: Recyclables and avoiding waste
Module 3 link list
Home waste audit recording sheet
Module 3 Questions and Answers
Taking care of our water
Water introduction
Module 4 lecture: Taking care of water
Video lesson: Non-toxic home cleaning
Module 4 link sheet
DIY Cleaner recipes
Water saving activities
Module 4 Questions and Answers
Doing your bit for the climate
Welcome to our energy module!
Module 5 lecture - Energy use
Module 5 link list
Travel options quiz
Appliance energy use - calculator spreadsheet
How much is your car costing you?
A short quiz on energy issues at home
Module 5 - Questions and Answers
Green money and shopping choices
Module 6 lecture
Module 6 link list
Module 6 Questions and Answers
BONUS module: Implementation strategies
Implementing change
Change slides
BONUS module: Building support for your sustainability journey
Rippling change
Rippling change slides
This is for your even if
You have little extra time or money to spend on ‘sustainable stuff’. Good. This course teaches you things that save money!
You are not - and don’t want to be - a hippie, tree-hugger or greenie. Don’t worry. You’ll learn smart, sensible behaviours that won’t pigeon-hole you!
You live in the city. Excellent – this is urban or rural sustainability.
Your partner is not supportive of your endeavors. Great! She/he will be!
You are well underway in making sustainable changes in your life. Good. This will take you further, faster.